Soccer Games

The game of soccer has changed and evolved over time. Evidence of the first organized soccer games date back to 1004 B.C. Chinese scripts were found that described a game where a small leather ball was kicked around a field. The game was played against a Japanese team. These scripts date back all the way to 50 B.C. The games never developed a full set of rules however, until 1815. Today soccer games are held across the world for all ages. Games are played at all levels of competition. Children can start playing as young as they can walk, and can continue playing until they can no longer walk.

Soccer games vary for each age group. Typically the game will last 90 minutes (the amount of game time may lessen for younger age groups). These 90 minutes are split up into two 45-minute halves. There is a 15-minute break between the two halves. Each half runs continuously; the clock is not stopped when the ball goes out of bounds or when a penalty is called. Stoppage time can be added to the end of a game when there are many injuries, substitutions, or other game-rendering occurrences. The referee decides the amount of stoppage time, as he is the official timekeeper of the match.

In league game competitions, if the score is tied at the end of a match, it may end in a draw. But in games where teams are knocked out of the competition for losses, other game deciding methods are used. This depends on the league and level of game play. In the 2006 world cup, knockout games ending in a draw went on to overtime. Overtime consisted of two 15-minute halves. If the score was still equal after overtime, the game would go on to a shootout. The procedure for a shootout is not game law. However, most follow similar methods. Typically, five men are selected from both teams. Each one takes a turn shooting against the opposing team’s goalkeeper. The men not kicking are to remain in the center circle. The first kicking team is selected by a coin toss. After the first kick, the other team’s shooter takes his turn. This method of alternating teams kicking is continued until all five kickers have gone (or until a winner is decided by default, such as 3-0 or 4-1). Goals scored during a shootout are not added to the final score. There are only used as a deciding factor for which team advances, or in the case of a final, which team wins.

Soccer games are usually very low scoring when compared to other sports, such as baseball and American football. The score normally averages about 2 or 3 points for the winning team. The score rarely exceeds 5 points for either team.

The game of soccer has become the most popular game in the world. The world cup has become the single most-watched sports event, surpassing even the Olympics. More and more people around the world are gearing up to play their own 90 minutes. The game of soccer has even expanded to the United States, where an estimated 16.9 million viewers tuned in to the 2006 World Cup. Soccer games can be found taking place anywhere.

This site will be one of the most comprehensive soccer sites on the web. Please keep checking back for more information. Future sections to come:

Soccer Rules

This section will describe each of the soccer rules in detail using diagrams.

Soccer Tournaments

This soccer section will talk about the different types of soccer tournaments.

Soccer Fields

This section will give you an idea of the layout of a soccer field. It will also list every soccer field in the united states, eventually moving to other parts of the world.

Soccer Leagues

This part will break down the different types of soccer leagues around the world.

Soccer Positions

This secion will talk about the different soccer positions on the field.